Empowering Women and Youth for Elder Care

Need for Skilled Manpower in Elder Care

Chronic Diseases in Elderly

2 in every 3 elder citizens in india suffer from some chronic disease, according to the first Longitudinal Ageing Study in India

Elderly Population in India

319 million by 2050(LASI)

Medical Care in Elderly

2.7 crore elders require medical care and attention

As per GOI census data and other research, it is expected that by 2026, 27 million seniors will require specialized medical care in Indian metro cities. Trend shows that nuclear modern families living in metro cities have increased multi fold in India. Hence, it is difficult for family members to manage elders with their daily biological, physical and mental requirements.

Aaji Care Sevak Foundation (ACSF) felt this situation can be good opportunity to create two fold impact. We can use this need to create dignified and well-paid jobs for less privileged women and youth and at the same time improve quality of care delivered to elders in India suffering from chronic diseases like Alzheimer, Dementia, Cancer, Diabetes etc.

We have trained over 2000 young individuals, all successfully employed across the various Old Age Homes, Hospitals and at individual’s homes through Aaji Care. Our goal is To help provide employment to 1 lakh people over the next five years.

About ACSF

Founded in 2021 Covid Lockdown Aaji Care Sevak Foundation (ACSF) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing improved Care to older adults through a vibrant community of caregivers (Nursing Assistant) who are rigorously trained with a focus on elevating health, independence and quality of life of the elderly.

At ACSF, we believe in building a compassionate and caring society, where every individual is well supported and taken care of, and where age and other disparities do not come in the way of access to healthcare and good life.

Rapid urbanisation and increasing costs of living is gradually compelling households, especially in the metro cities, to switch to smaller nuclear family setups. This is making it extremely challenging for families to provide healthcare to older family members, who are struggling with biological, physical or mental ailments. On the other side of the social ladder are the less-educated and other marginalised groups of people, who are in desperate need of education, vocational training and employment.

At ACSF, we have taken it upon us to educate and train these less-educated women and youth, and provide them employment through dignified and well-paid jobs to provide improved healthcare and medical services to seniors suffering from chronic diseases such as Alzheimer, Dementia, Cancer, Diabetes etc.

It’s a win-win situation for both – on one hand it helps families, who are looking for premium elderly care services for their ageing family members, on the other hand it creates fresh employment opportunities for the less-privileged and under-educated section of our society. At ACSF, it is our aim to create 1 lakh dignified jobs through specialized Geriatric Care training programs over the next 10 years.

Student Criteria for Training

ID Card & Pan Card

Min Education should be 8th Std pass

Age:- 18 to 40

Police Verification

Training Program Schedule

ACSF offer nursing assistant course which is focused on care of elderly patients at home or elder care centers or geriatric wards in hospitals.

Key Partners & Supporters

Core Team

Prasad Bhide


Social entrepreneur & founder for Aaji Care since 2012. Engineer by profession with 16+ years of corporate IT Project Management experience in India and USA with TATA Consultancy Services (TCS)

Prakash Borgaonkar

CEO & Director

Ex Director of  HelpAge India

36 years of experience working for Elders

Manish Panchal


27 years of experience in Industry and Strategy Consulting in Healthcare, Life Sciences, Chemical

Vikrant Thakkar


15 years of experience in the field of property acquisition in Retail, F&B sector and Telecom

Video Testimonial